Spirit Speaker Wand -W31

(1 customer review)



15″ long

This Spirit Speaker Wand is not for everyone, it is very strong in its intensity. Shaman, Shapeshifters and Psychics are often drawn to the Shape Shifter Wand because of its uniquely organic energy. This Wand feels good in your hsnd and almost seems the shift its shape as you hold it.

The Spirit Speaker Wand carries the energy of Ancient Shaman. This is an incredibly powerful metaphysical tool that call forth the spiritual connections between humans and animals, plants, and minerals. The Spirit Speaker has carved faces, animals and other natural elements. This is my very favorite Wand. Making this Wand was a spiritual journey for me personally.

This amazing Wand also calls forth ancestor wisdom and the ways of Indigenous knowing. This is a good Wand for anyone who resonates with wanting to walk softly on the Earth.

I don’t recommend a Wand Stand for the Spirit Speaker, it is an Organic Wand that rests best lying flat, on stones, an Altar cloth, or next to a green plant.

Like all our Magic Wand, the Spirit Speaker is crafted in 100% Lead-Free Pewter, for conductivity, strength and beauty.

Order Now! If the Spirit Speaker Wand calls to you…. just click the “Add to Cart” Button above. You will be transformed by working with this amazing Wand!

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 16 × 12 × 4 in

1 review for Spirit Speaker Wand -W31

  1. Carter F. Leffen

    I just received my Spirit Speaker Wand -W31, and could not be happier…

    This is a wand for the mature- regardless of age. Its presence resonates with all that is Gaia. To those who seek wisdom, knowledge, experiences, and guidance from every aspect that is Gaia, Spirit Speaker opens past and present, bringing light to what was lost, or has been unknown.

    Upon opening the shipping box, Spirit Speaker began to resonate with me. It’s powerful in its presence, giving one confidence that that which has been hidden or lost, may be revealed. To those who dream, have visions, and knowings, Spirit Speaker is a conduit of communication, to all that was and is…

    Beautiful in form and design, it is evocative of those who have gone on before. To everyone who has known past lives, you will feel comfortable with Spirit Speaker. Likewise, those who seek answers, will discover more than they imagined.

    Spirit Speaker is in no way, a lightweight. Satisfying in design and execution, it is what some might think a bit hefty, as it is, after all, made of 100% lead-free pewter… Picking it up, after decanting it from it’s travel tube, I felt magical energy, as we became acquainted. This wand is alive with power and potential. It gives the impression of timelessness, as if it had always been here…

    As a Pagan, I love the rich symbolism that covers this wand… I feel Witches, Druids, Nordics, and Shamans all, would have loved this wand, having similar such themselves… Timeless in beauty, deep in power, Spirit Speaker opens vistas not considered… All life is now truly more accessible, and understanding is easier.

    To those of us who love and revere Gaia, The Lady and Lord, as well as those of the many and different pantheons, Spirit Speaker helps give us depth and texture to our lives, our understanding… To those magical peoples who desire to be more in tune with Gaia and Spirit, this wand is an invaluable way to acquire guidance, wisdom, knowledge, and to be able to communicate with all that is Gaia. To those who seek to heal Gaia, to bring balance, and to seek justice for all that is Gaia, the Spirit Speaker Wand is a “must have.”

    Spirit Speaker is a wand that I will carry with me everywhere. There is so much to learn, and this will help me, as it would anyone, to bring light to that which was hidden…

    I heartily endorse this wonderful creation, and hope you’ll consider it for your next acquisition…

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