Witch’s Full Moon Journey Pendant – Pewter



When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon,
my soul expands in the worship of the creator.
– Mohandas Gandhi

In medieval Europe a witch was often a wise woman – one who was skilled in the healing arts. She may have had knowledge of ancient herbal medicines and was often a midwife as well. Her religious beliefs, if she had any, were more often than not based on the ancient environment which surrounded her and thus she had a supreme belief in, and respect for Nature. Her faith lay in the sun, the moon, the forest, and in all livings creatures. She also had a special reverence for the seasons of the year and the seasonal festivals celebrating the change in the weather and the harvesting of crops.

Before the advent of street lights most night travel had to be done by the full moon so these women were often seen traveling by the full moon. Journeying by the full moon would help the witch to reclaim her gifts, talents, and abilities and to renew her skills using the healing power of the full moon.

Cast from 100% lead-free pewter, our
Witch’s Full Moon Journey Pendant
honors the journeys that these wise women undertook
to bring their healing powers to the people they served.