Avalon Priestess – Pewter


SKU: G201P Category:


The Sisterhood of Avalon was founded to act as receptacle of the lore and wisdom that comes from all aspects of the study of Avalon. They honor the five Goddesses of Avalon: Blodeuwedd (Lady of Initiation), Rhiannon (Lady of Manifestation), Ceridwen (Lady of Transformation), Arianrhod (Great Teacher) and Branwen (embodiment of Sovereignty). The Goddesses are the heart and soul of Avalon’s landscape, each having their own unique transformational energy. Within the Sisterhood, the role of Priestess is not easily attained. The doors of Initiation as Priestess cannot be opened without some profound and lasting inner change occurring, she is then recognized as a Priestess by her actions and her very presence of being.

Our Priestess of Avalon Pendant honors this profound inner change. She is envisioned as an ancient Priestess with her gown and hair flowing gracefully to the floor. Yet it is in her eyes that one can see the gentle ever-knowing presence of a true priestess.

The Priestess of Avalon Pendant, cast in 100% lead-free pewter, is a graceful and beautiful reminder of the wisdom of Avalon.