Spiral Goddess Grove ~ An Online Goddess Temple
Visit our Virtual Goddess Temple ~ A Sacred Space online to celebrate the Goddess, the GreenMan and the Magic & Wisdom of Sacred Nature.
Goddess Altars, Virtual Temples, Sacred Grove, Ancient Goddesses, the Crone, Kali, the Ocean Mother, IsIs, Inanna, Mary, a Labyris Altar and all kinds of wonderful things.
A NON-Commercial Website with absolutely NOTHING for Sale! No Banners, No Ads, Nothing but a healing, positive experience that transcends the Web.
The Spiral Goddess Grove is Abby Willowroot's personal website and is filled with Abby's artwork and writings. It is a place to learn, grow, and share the journey toward healing our culture. Creating the Spiral Goddess Grove was and is, a labor of love.
The Grove is an Oasis of Calm, Serenity, Meditation and Spiritual Healing.
Spiral Goddess Grove was designd for Goddess Folks, Pagans and Wiccans, but people of all faiths will find things at the Grove to fill their hearts and spirits with peace and happiness.
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